Celebrating Success: A Spectacular Quiz Night in Support of Pollard's Promises

At Pollard's Promises, we believe in the power of community and coming together for a great cause. Recently, we hosted a thrilling charity quiz night that not only tested our knowledge but also raised funds to make a difference in the care sector. Join us as we relive the excitement and celebrate the success of this memorable event.

The Event

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Bradshaw's Boddy Dazzlers team for emerging victorious in our charity quiz. The competition was fierce, and their impressive performance truly showcased their knowledge and quick thinking. Well done, Bradshaw's Boddy Dazzlers!

Fundraising Success

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated by purchasing raffle tickets during the quiz. Your incredible generosity helped us raise a staggering £2,056, which will be directed towards our ongoing efforts to support the care sector. This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without your support.

A Night to Remember

We would like to acknowledge the venue, Worthing Rugby Club, for graciously hosting our event. The warm and welcoming atmosphere provided the perfect backdrop for a memorable evening. Our talented quiz master, Shane, brought excitement and entertainment to the proceedings, keeping the participants engaged throughout the night.

A Special Thank You

Last but certainly not least, we want to express our deepest appreciation to our Managing Director, Darren Pollard, for being a fantastic host. His leadership and dedication to the cause have been instrumental in the success of Pollard's Promises. Darren's unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the care sector continues to inspire us all.

Making a Difference Together

The charity quiz night was a testament to the incredible things that can be achieved when a community comes together. Not only did we test our trivia knowledge and have a fantastic time, but we also made a significant contribution to enhancing the lives of those in the care sector.

Every pound raised during the event will be channelled into fulfilling promises and creating joyful experiences for carers, care teams, and care recipients. It is through the collective effort and support of individuals like you that we can continue to make dreams come true.

We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated, contributed, and supported Pollard's Promises. Your generosity and enthusiasm have made a tangible impact on the lives of those we serve.

Join us in celebrating the success of our charity quiz night and stay connected with Pollard's Promises for future events and opportunities to make a difference.

Nominate a carer or Care recipient

To keep the spirit of care and compassion alive, we invite you to nominate a deserving carer or care recipient for a special promise. Help us bring joy and happiness to more lives by clicking here.

Together, we can create a brighter and more fulfilling future for the care sector.

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Making dreams come true in the care sector

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